#9 – What A Post Abortion America Looks Like
The pro-choice mob – along with their stooges in the media – have promised that a whole catalogue of disasters is waiting for us if states pass laws that prohibit abortion. But we have decades of real-world experience to show us what a post abortion America REALLY looks like.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice mob – along with their stooges in the media – have promised that a whole catalogue of disasters is waiting for us if states pass laws that prohibit abortion. But we have decades of real-world experience to show us what a post abortion America REALLY looks like.
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Since Roe v. Wade was flushed down history’s toilet, the pro-choice mob – along with their stooges in the media – have promised that a whole catalogue of disasters is waiting for us if states pass laws that prohibit abortion. To hear these people tell the story, if women can’t hire a bunch of psychopaths to murder their babies, all hope is lost and it won’t be long before America looks like a scene out of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
But the question is, if protecting the lives of unborn children is going to turn America into some sort of dystopian wasteland, why wasn’t it like that before abortion was legalized? Remember, we don’t have to imagine what our country would be like without legal abortion, we have decades of real-world experience to show us. And it’s not what the abortion lobby is describing.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#4 – “Overloading The Country With Unwanted Babies.”
The pro-choice crowd says that there are more abortions done every year than there are people on waiting lists to adopt and that outlawing abortion would swamp the country with unwanted babies. But don’t be fooled by the abortion lobby’s attacks on adoption.
#50 – Denying The Holocaust
We live in a nation full of holocaust deniers – only the holocaust they are denying didn’t take place 80 yrs ago in Germany, it’s happening right here, right now.
#60 – How The Pro-choice Side uses Foster care To Divert Attention From Adoption
When adoption is suggested as an alternative to abortion, the pro-choice side likes to divert attention by talking about the children already in foster care and not getting adopted.