Shocking website exposes people who advocate for abortion

July 7, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “We think it’s important for people to understand the nature of the people we pro-lifers are going up against…I guarantee you that you cannot show what these pro-choice people are like and not have that reflect on the abortion issue itself.” ~ Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher. Life Dynamics,…

July 7, 2014

“We think it’s important for people to understand the nature of the people we pro-lifers are going up against…I guarantee you that you cannot show what these pro-choice people are like and not have that reflect on the abortion issue itself.” ~ Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher.

Life Dynamics, Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, has launched a controversial website which exposes the true face of the pro-choice community.

The website is called

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Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher explained why they launched, “We think it’s important for people to understand the nature of the people we pro-lifers are going up against. Because the media is on the side of the pro-choicers they don’t expose this stuff. That’s why we did this people of choice website – because I guarantee you that you cannot show what these people are like and not have that reflect on the abortion issue itself. It makes a statement about it when you say, ‘these are the kind of people that advocate this position.’”

Crutcher says the pro-choice community hates the website, “the images are pretty nasty,” he says, “my argument to the pro-choice community is – ‘it’s your people! If you don’t want this stuff to be seen by the public, than don’t do it!’”

Abortion Apron

Church ladies for choice

Crutcher says that the concept behind the website is based on the “People of Wal-Mart” website, “Wal-Mart was saying that it was actually impacting their business because it was creating a negative image of the kind of people that shopped at Wal-Mart and people didn’t want to be associated with that image. If you can do that with just normal people such as those that were showing at these Wal-Marts, you could certainly do it with the pro-aborts, given all the outrageous things that we know they do.”

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Crutcher points out that there is a false perception of pro-life people while the real outrageous behavior is on the pro-choice side, “There’s an old saying in marketing that people do not buy products from people they do not like. The pro-aborts, working with their stooges in the media, have been very good at painting a perception of the pro-life movement. They’ve painted this picture of pro-lifers that is very unflattering, and yet, we know there’s all this stuff out there showing what the pro-aborts are really like. And, the media never puts that out there, never says a word about any of that stuff.”

The pro-life group says that they have plans to expand the website to expose those who work inside the abortion industry as well as their top promoters in the coming months.

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Crutcher concludes, “What we are going to do with this People of Choice website is show the American public what they’ve never been shown before. This is what they’ve never known. These are the kind of people pro-lifers have to go up against. I think it’s going to change things. We’ve already seen that the pro-aborts are already getting very incensed about it. They don’t want this stuff out there. We are going to keep on exposing them and they can like it or not like it – we really don’t care.

Life Dynamics is asking for the pro-life community to share their images of pro-choice people by uploading them to the website.

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