#93 – Is Life A Gift Or A Privilege?
The pro-choice position is that the unborn do not have an inherent right-to-life. Instead, that right is something that can be bestowed on them, or withheld from them, by those who have already been born.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice position is that the unborn do not have an inherent right-to-life. Instead, that right is something that can be bestowed on them, or withheld from them, by those who have already been born. But is that what we want our nation to be?
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The pro-life view is that the right-to-life of an unborn child is a gift from God. In fact, it is the very first thing He gives to every human being. The pro-choice position is that the unborn do not have an inherent right-to-life. Instead, that right is something that can be bestowed on them, or withheld from them, by those who have already been born. In that world view, the right-to-life is reserved for the planned, the perfect, and the privileged.
In other words, legalized abortion is the philosophy of eugenics put into practice. It is also a textbook example of those with power being allowed to choose life or death for those without power. And for someone to support that while claiming to be a follower of Christ, is indefensible.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#50 – Denying The Holocaust
We live in a nation full of holocaust deniers – only the holocaust they are denying didn’t take place 80 yrs ago in Germany, it’s happening right here, right now.
#83 – Scientific Nonsense
The people who claim to be “pro-science” immediately throw science out the window when it comes to abortion and the unborn child. All of a sudden, “choice” is all that matters and science is irrelevant.
#35 – “You Can Be Pro-Choice And Christian.”
Some people claim that they can be pro-choice and Christian at the same time. That is nonsense.