#34 – Why The Abortion Lobby Focuses On “Who Decides”

The pro-choice mob knows that they can’t defend the morality of abortion, so they push this absurd idea that the issue is not whether abortion is right or wrong, but who decides — the woman or the state?

Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!

Like how the pro-choice mob knows that they can’t defend the morality of abortion, so they push this absurd idea that the issue is not whether abortion is right or wrong, but who decides — the woman or the state? But think about this, we don’t hear “right and wrong doesn’t matter” being said about child molesting, spousal abuse, rape, human trafficking, racial discrimination, or any other issue. The only time we hear it is when someone is trying to justify butchering the unborn.

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The pro-choice mob knows that they can’t defend the morality of abortion, so they push this absurd idea that the issue is not whether abortion is right or wrong, but who decides — the woman or the state?

The question is: what is it about abortion that makes it different from every other kind of human behavior? I mean, no one ever says “right and wrong doesn’t matter” when it comes to killing born people. And we don’t hear “right and wrong doesn’t matter” being said about child molesting, spousal abuse, rape, human trafficking, racial discrimination, or any other issue. The only time we hear it is when someone is trying to justify butchering the unborn. Obviously, the abortion lobby’s strategy is to make the public focus on “who decides” so they don’t look at what’s being decided.



Watch more “Abortion Distortion” videos from Life Dynamics for the no compromises, no exceptions, and no apologies pro-life position!
Since 1992, Life Dynamics has exposed the biggest horrors and coverups of the abortion industry. Learn more about our work.

For inquires or requests for interviews, please contact Sheila Crutcher at sheila@lifedynamics.com or (940) 380-8800.

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