Be Careful What You Say

The pro-life movement must be careful when using the language that the abortion industry has pushed on society. Let us not fall for their marketing campaigns or attempts at making abortion seem “normal.”

Written By: Sheila Crutcher
Life Dynamics Staff

The pro-life movement must be careful when using the language that the abortion industry has pushed on society. Let us not fall for their marketing campaigns or attempts at making abortion seem “normal.”

What brings this up? A recent article that a
well-known pro-life organization recently put out…

In the headline they use the word “patients” when referring to Planned Parenthood. Let us be clear, the pro-life movement should NEVER fall for the use of this word, which the abortion lobby tries to cement into society.

Women who go in for abortions are not “patients,” they are customers. Patients denotes that abortion is a legitimate medical procedure, where the Hippocratic Oath is upheld and some sort of healing is attempted. Abortion is the complete opposite of healthcare. NO healing takes place. Instead, women are paying to have their own child killed. They are not patients for some sort of medical procedure, they are customers who are paying hitmen to eliminate their babies.

This is the perfect example of how we must always remember that the pro-life movement is a voice for the voiceless. What we say does have an impact…

To learn more about pro-life arguments to the most common, and difficult, abortion issues, check out the “Pro-Life Answers” booklet.

Don’t fall for the abortion lobby’s traps!

Don't fall for pro-choice double talk! Read "Pro-Life Answers" to learn about pro-choice rhetoric and deceptions. It's only $7!

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