Every Life You Save From Abortion, Weakens The Abortion Industry

Learn how abortion impacts our culture, how every life saved from abortion weakens the abortion industry, and how the eugenics movement isn’t a thing of the past!

Hosts Mark Crutcher and Sarah Waites of the Pro-Life America podcast are now joining Alan Keyes on the IAMTv show, Let’s Talk America, each first and third Friday at  4 PM (ET) / 3 PM (CST) to talk about the battle for life.

Let's Talk America
Screenshot from the show

Last week, the hosts discussed the impact of reduced abortion rates on politics and how every baby saved costs the abortion industry money and political power! Plus, Mark and Sarah briefly discussed the impact of abortion on culture, and how eugenics is not a thing of the past but is alive and well – including its ties with abortion. Also, at the end of the show, the hosts discussed how viewers can receive a FREE gift from Life Dynamics. You can watch their segment below.

Be sure to watch the show and share it with others. The mainstream media and big tech are trying to censor the conservative voice! We MUST NOT let them silence the truth!

Watch Now:

Be sure to tune into the show LIVE on March 5th using the IAMTv Roku app, the IAMTv website, or at: https://live.brighteon.com. For those who are unable to watch live, you can find the livestream later on the IAMTv Brighteon Channel.


  1. I thought it was a great episode! You hear people all the time calling others fascists and racists, yet many have no clue as to what those things actually mean. If they did, they wouldn’t support abortion and eugenics— it all goes hand-in-hand. Hitler would be so proud if he saw what was going on today!

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