Singing pro-life Christmas Carols outside abortion clinics

The pro-life group, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust has kicked off their project, A ProLife Christmas Carol by bringing the joy and hope of Christ’s birth to abortion-minded men and women at the very doors of abortion clinics in Los Angeles and Long Beach, CA. The pro-life youth organization is now in its 14th year…

The pro-life group, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust has kicked off their project, A ProLife Christmas Carol by bringing the joy and hope of Christ’s birth to abortion-minded men and women at the very doors of abortion clinics in Los Angeles and Long Beach, CA.

Survivors abortion carol 2014

The pro-life youth organization is now in its 14th year of using the Christmas Caroling Project to save babies lives through the simple act of singing and delivering gifts outside the killing centers.

What could be more moving than a carol of Mary with the Christ Child in her womb sung outside of an abortion mill where the innocents are murdered daily? The words pierce; the tunes seem unusually haunting, your soul cries out for the lives in danger just inside the killing center,” the groups writes.

In addition to the women seeking abortions, Survivors also brings gifts to clinic workers which include Christmas candy and a booklet sharing their faith in Christ.

While outside an abortion clinic this weekend, the group gave gift baskets filled with baby clothes and toys to the young mothers entering the abortion clinic, sang Christmas carols, and encouraged them to embrace the greatest gift of all this Christmas, their child!

Survivors abortion christmas carol 2014

According to the group’s website, when they went Caroling outside Planned Parenthood their voices propelled through the walls and were loud enough that the couples present for their abortion appointments could hear. The group offered those who entered Planned Parenthood a gift and offered alternatives to abortion.

Survivors of abortin caroling 2014

We made sure to also offer help to the Planned Parenthood staff, and even witnessed some of the pro-abortion escorts visibly fighting the urge to nod their heads along to the familiar songs!” they write.

Find out more here.

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