A Statement From Mark Crutcher on Inauguration Day

On this inauguration day, a new day is dawning and our challenge becomes to repair the damage that’s been done to our country.

For the past eight years, our nation has suffered under the hobnailed boot of the most godless, amoral and corrupt administration in our history.  I think it can be easily stated that nothing demonstrates the sheer strength of America than the fact we survived during this time of abject darkness.

But now, a new day is dawning and our challenge becomes to repair the damage that’s been done to our country. 

As for the pro-life issue, none of us can know whether President Trump’s actions will match his campaign rhetoric.  Only time will answer that.  But what we do know is that if we humble ourselves before God and ask Him to guide President Trump through the coming years, and if the President will be still and accept God’s counsel, our land will be healed.

On this inauguration day, that is where we must place our hope for the future.

-Mark Crutcher

President of Life Dynamics

(Taken from Mark’s Crutcher’s Blog on Inauguration Day, 2017)


  1. Bridgid M Courtney says:


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