#116 – “The Pro-Life Movement Is A Bunch Of Religious, Anti-Choice Extremists!”

#116 – “The Pro-Life Movement Is A Bunch Of Religious, Anti-Choice Extremists!”

The pro-choice side has accused the pro-life movement of being a bunch of “anti-choice extremists who are trying to force their religious beliefs on everyone else.” Since “choice” means having the legal right to butcher defenseless children, then we are indeed anti-choice. But as for the claim that we are trying pass laws to force our theological views on others, that is idiocy.

Dems call pro-life group “extremist” after mailing postcard of woman and baby killed by abortion

Democrats in New Mexico are calling pro-lifers in the state “extremist” for mailing a postcard which showed a woman and baby killed from legal abortion. Earlier this month a New Mexico Senate panel tabled a two pro-life bills that would have prohibited late-term abortions and required parental consent by minors seeking abortion in the state….