Rhetorical Sandpaper

Rhetorical Sandpaper

We all know that language plays a crucial role in the battle over abortion. And it is no secret that the American abortion lobby is extraordinarily talented in the manipulation and distortion of rhetoric. It is also true that their loyal little lapdogs in the media have memorized and employed all the verbal gymnastics their…

A Healthy Abortion Regret

A Healthy Abortion Regret

Despite the literally thousands of support groups in the United States to help women overcome the emotional train wreck of abortion, the abortion lobby claims that most women don’t regret their abortions. The hidden irony in all this is that women who regret their abortions may actually be more mentally healthy than those who don’t.

Figures Don’t Lie – But Liars Do Figure

Figures Don’t Lie – But Liars Do Figure

Our enemies consistently claim that most Americans are pro-choice and that there is no consensus in the United States for making abortion illegal.  Then they’ll trot out some poll that seems to back up their argument. But the fact is, this “pro-choice majority” lie is nothing more than political spin and the abortion industry’s own actions prove it.