#91 – Who’s Really At Fault For illegal Abortions?
The pro-choice side claims that our efforts to protect the unborn will cause women to die in illegal abortions. But is that really true?
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side claims that our efforts to protect the unborn will cause women to die in illegal abortions. But is that really true? After all, the illegal abortions they’re taking about would be done by someone who is pro-choice; and any woman who is killed or maimed would be the victim of someone who is pro-choice.
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The pro-choice mob claims that our efforts to protect the unborn will cause women to die in illegal abortions. But remember, since the pro-life movement doesn’t do abortions, the illegal abortions they’re taking about would be done by someone who is pro-choice. And any woman who is killed or maimed would be the victim of someone who is pro-choice. So what these people are really saying is, “If you stop us from killing babies, we’re going to start killing women.”
In other words, if the pro-choice mob doesn’t want women to die from illegal abortions, all they have to do is agree not to kill them. But, of course, they’re not going to do that because they never cared about this issue to begin with. They’re just trying to make it look like we’re responsible for the women they are threatening to kill.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#60 – How The Pro-choice Side uses Foster care To Divert Attention From Adoption
When adoption is suggested as an alternative to abortion, the pro-choice side likes to divert attention by talking about the children already in foster care and not getting adopted.
#39 – The Real Reason For The Outrage Over Abortion Images & Sonogram Laws
The pro-choice side becomes enraged when pictures of aborted babies are shown. But if the unborn aren’t living human beings, and if legalized abortion is such a positive thing for women, then these people should have no fear of these images.
#36 – Are We Giving The Impression That The Pro-Choice Position Has Validity?
Any time we sit down with abortion apologists in some starry-eyed quest for common ground, all we do is give the impression that even we believe their position has some moral validity.