#84 – Where’s The Payoff?
The pro-choice side pushes abortion as a solution to social problems. And yet, the social problems America faced when we began this holocaust, haven’t gotten better – they’ve gotten worse.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side pushes abortion as a solution to social problems. (What they’re talking about is called eugenics.) And yet, the social problems America faced when we began this holocaust, haven’t gotten better – they’ve gotten worse. So where’s the payoff?
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When the pro-choice mob pushes abortion as a solution to social problems, what they’re talking about is called eugenics. It’s the concept that society’s problems can be solved by eliminating certain groups of people. The interesting thing is that people who advocate eugenics, never seem willing to give up their own lives to solve social problems. They only insist that other people give their lives. In this case, it’s the unborn.
Of course, not only is the concept of abortion-based eugenics morally indefensible, it obviously doesn’t work. After all, we’ve killed our nation’s children by the tens-of-millions, and we’re still executing them every day. And yet, the social problems America faced when we began this holocaust, haven’t gotten better – they’ve gotten worse. So where’s the payoff?
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More Abortion Distortions:
#60 – How The Pro-choice Side uses Foster care To Divert Attention From Adoption
When adoption is suggested as an alternative to abortion, the pro-choice side likes to divert attention by talking about the children already in foster care and not getting adopted.
#81 – “We Shouldn’t Be Bringing More Children Into The World!”
You often hear the pro-choice side trying to rationalize abortion by saying that, the way things are going today, we shouldn’t be bringing more children into the world.
#25 – Can Abortion Help Solve Social Problems?
The pro-choice mob has always pushed abortion as a solution to social problems. But do we really want America to be the kind of country that uses child sacrifice as a tool of social engineering?