#120 – The Major Distinction Between Abortion & Amputation
Sometimes the pro-choice side will equate elective abortion to amputation. But are these two things morally equivalent? Let’s take a look…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how sometimes the pro-choice side will equate elective abortion to amputation.
It’s a perfect example of how low these people will sink in order to justify killing the unborn. Let’s take a look at the major distinction between abortion and amputations…
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You will sometimes hear the pro-choice mob equate elective abortion to amputation. It’s a perfect example of how low these people will sink in order to justify killing the unborn. To begin with, amputations are done as a medical necessity and no ethical surgeon chops off a healthy part of someone’s body just because the patient asked them to.
But the abortion industry’s own data shows that almost every abortion they do is for non-medical reasons to kill a healthy baby being carried by a healthy woman whose pregnancy does not threaten her life or health. That alone destroys any claim of a similarity between elective abortion and amputation. But beyond that, anyone who can look at a picture of an aborted baby, alongside a picture of an amputated leg, and see the two procedures as morally equal, is sick.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#21 – Is Abortion Safer Than Childbirth?
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#50 – Denying The Holocaust
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#58 – “The fetus depends on the woman for survival. So it’s her body, her choice.”
The pro-choice mob often defends abortions before viability on the basis that the unborn are dependent on someone else to survive. But if an unborn baby has no right to life simply because he or she is unable to survive without help, then there are others who have no right to life either.